Obama's '10 letters a night' from hard luck Americans

I am not sure I followed the spin President Obama put on the latest job numbers data in his remarks from the White House Friday, but I did learn something new when the President said:


"As many of you know, I get about 10 letters a night that I take a look at. I often hear from Americans who are facing hard times - Americans who have lost their jobs or can't afford to pay their bills."


As for myself, I did not know President Obama reads 10 letters a night from Americans, many of whom who are facing hard times. However, as with most revelations, new questions always arise.

How are the 10 letters selected every night? Does Rahm Emanuel choose the 10 he wants the President to see, knock on President Obama's bedroom door dressed in a butler suit, and holding a full silver tray announce, "Your evening tea and 10 letters sir."?

Growing up in Chicago, I often watched a local TV show, Bozo's Circus. A segment of each show included the arbitrary choosing of a lucky mailed-in post card from the overflowing "Bozo Drum." Because President Obama and so many of his cronies are also a product of Chicago television, does David Axelrod wheel in a White House version of the Bozo Drum and have the President close his eyes, reach in, and randomly select the lucky 10?

Of course, there are other questions. Why 10 letters a night? Is it one letter for each percentage of unemployed Americans? And why did President Obama tell us that he reads 10 letters a night? Is it so we should think that even though he is destroying the economy, he still really cares?

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