Reclaim the expression 'tea bagging'

Anderson Cooper's head must being spinning 360 degrees.

Since the Silver Fox (Grey Pox to freedom lovers) first introduced us to the darker nuances of tea bags, we who oppose big government and Congress's arrogance and who happen to enjoy a steamy cup of Earl Grey knew that we must respond.

However, believing in the Divine, I suspected that it might take serendipity to create a worthy response.

Well, hello serendipity and response! The heretofore unthinkable and even undreamt of routing of a (D) by an (R) in Bluechusetts has left both sides reeling. But for the  Democrat, it's the reeling you don't want...a massive slam to the psyche by a giant wrecking ball-like...TEA BAG!

That's right, I said tea bag.

While I feel just a tad funny saying that Ms. Coakley got tea bagged, I believe it's not only time to take back our country, it's time to take back the meaning of tea partier, tea bagging, and really, all things tea. Scott Brown represents a voice against those who have abused their power. We, the strong, who are fed on the delicious nectar of freedom, hearby reclaim ‘tea'! Getting tea bagged now means any Big Government politician getting whipped by someone who believes in freedom. The Tea Baggers of Old (1773 types) would agree.

His win, I believe, is a portent of November winds. Those in power will listen or face further revolution.

Meanwhile and in an ironic twist of fate, Anderson Cooper, his mind still darkened by hatred and ignorance, will be forced to seek the Constitution for enlightenment instead of the Urban Dictionary.

cartoon by Richard Oliver

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