Rush released from hospital (updated with news conference video)

Rush Limbaugh has been discharged from his hospital stay in Hawaii, and just held a press conference. Reportedly, he did NOT suffer a heart attack. "The pain was real, and they don't know what caused it." Via Reuters:

Limbaugh, 58, underwent an angiogram, or an imaging of the arteries and heart, to determine what caused the pain "like I have never experienced before," he said.

"They found absolutely nothing wrong. It was a blessing. No arterial disease, no coronary disease whatsoever," Limbaugh told reporters at Honolulu's Queen's Medical Center, where he was rushed on Wednesday from a nearby resort. [….]

"Based on what happened to me here, I don't think there is one thing wrong with the American healthcare system. It is working just fine," he said.

This is a fine New Year's present for America.

Update: here is video of Rush's news conference:

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