The administration's unacceptable terror policies

I am reading with horror and disgust of the testimony at the hearings conducted this past week on the process that was used by the Department of Justice regarding the decision to remand the terrorist who tried to blow up Flight 253 to Detroit on Christmas Day into our criminal justice system.

What is abundantly apparent to me is that the Obama administration does not place a high priority on keeping our country safe by implementation of strong measures to protect its citizens from attacks by terrorists who have vowed to kill us. I believe it to be a willful disregard for the safety and security of all Americans.

There are only two possible scenarios in play here; either the Obama administration has chosen to employ a strategy which deliberately excludes those intelligence agencies which are charged with obtaining whatever useful information (i.e. intelligence) that terrorists like Abdulmutallab might possess, or the Justice Department committed an incredible and unbelievable blunder in the execution of their assignment. Neither of these alternatives should instill confidence in those charged with protecting our country. Since a reasonable person would presume it unlikely that the latter of the foregoing possibilities would be allowed to continue without being quickly corrected by a subsequent re-designation of Abdulmutallab as a terrorist and then turning him over to our intelligence agencies, the presumptive conclusion would then be that the Obama administration has directed the abandonment of prudent measures which a rational person would deem necessary in order to keep our country safe.

Additionally, the arrogant refusal of Obama's top deputies to respond to legitimate questions from the Congressional Committee is both pathetic and disgusting. I can imagine no possible reason for their unwillingness to answer the questions. These pompous piss-ants are thumbing their collective noses at the very public that not only pays their inflated salaries, but who also depend on these incompetent imbeciles to keep us safe. Their actions are clearly detrimental to the safety of the American public, yet they seem more than content to convey to us their collective disdain.

Furthermore, to date, not one single person has been held accountable for this fiasco. This is not acceptable. The President made the claim that "the buck stops here", but as usual, his rhetoric is just words, and his words are not keeping us safe.

The admission by Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair that we do not have a "High Value Interrogation Group" is substantive proof of the willful disdain the Obama administration has for the security of our country. This too is unacceptable, and should not be tolerated another minute by the citizens of America.

I agree wholeheartedly with Scott Brown when he calls for using our Constitution to protect our citizens, rather than for granting rights to terrorists who want to kill us. It's time to return to spending my tax dollars on methods to stop these Islamic jihadists; and cease wasting it on anti-American lawyers to protect them.

So far, President Obama and his administration have been wholly on the wrong side of the War on Terror; its time he stood up for America and her citizens.

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