The tragic convenience of our education system

How the electorate is not completely up in arms over President Obama's broken campaign promises is beyond me. The brazenness and contempt of the American public that he is displaying in shattering without so much as a word about it, his campaign promises, is unprecedented.

It is scary the way that the health care ‘reform' (‘Reform' implies ‘better'. Health care ‘damage' might be more appropriate) bills are being secretly rushed through passage for political purposes on the backs of bribes with tax-payers money.

Why are the American people sitting on their hands now when Obama promised complete transparency and has done the complete opposite? How can this happen? The American people are not asleep. We saw that during the election with all of the passionate support for Obama out there. The crying in the streets, the T-shirts, the gushing TV reporters. People have passion in this country. So why are the American people sitting around like a bunch of lame ducks?

Some have argued that it is a conspiracy from the Democratic party. Here is how it goes: Democrats cater to teacher's unions to get their vote. Teacher's unions make many demands (fighting vouchers, school choice, accountability programs) that decrease effectiveness of education in this country. Less effective education, means a populace that is less knowledgeable of history, human nature and less able to think critically. A populace less knowledgeable and able to think critically is much more susceptible to the smooth tones of snake oil salesmen and self-serving politicians.

I don't think that it is a conspiracy. That would be giving politicians too much credit. I do think that it is a positive (for politicians) unintended consequence of their education policies however. It is ‘tragically convenient' for Democrats. It is tragic because it is the populace that is suffering from a faulty educational system, one that is not providing our kids the ability to think for themselves and think critically. It is also tragic for the country because a less educated populace will be less effective in competing globally going forward.

It is convenient because it allows a small group of politicians to get away with utopian rhetoric, broken promises and loot and pillage the future of the country under the cover of ‘compassion' for their own egos and political gain.

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