UN out of the US! Try Dubai

Talk about an idea whose time has come. In an article at Forbes.com, Joel Kotkin and Robert J. Cristiano make an excellent case for getting rid of one of America's most persistent and irritating headaches, the United Nations.

In what can only be described as a golden opportunity, the authors point out that the new Worlds Tallest Building in Dubai is in serious need of tenants. With example after example, Kotkin and Cristiano make an excellent case for ridding New York City of its chronic pain in the derrière while simultaneously giving Dubai an opportunity to fill some of the many millions of square feet of state-of-the-art office space now sitting vacant.

One advantage the authors missed however is this: all those rabidly anti-Semitic U.N. delegates would no longer have to suffer the indignity of  living and working in one of the world's most Jewish cities.

What a propitious alignment of events this could turn out to be.

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