Fame is fleeting

Ah fame! How fleeting. One minute you're hot then pow! you're not!

And who is politically hot now? According to Celeste Katz of the NY Daily News the political man of the moment is...President George W. Bush.

Items featuring a smiling former President George Bush and the question, "Miss Me Yet?" are doing a brisk business as sales of pro-President Obama items lag, reports the Web shopping site CafePress. (snip) There were no Obama-themed designs on the list - Bush has stolen the political spotlight, just like Sarah Palin did the week before when she re-surfaced with crib notes written in her palm," she said.

Those of you who didn't stock up on all things Barack Hussein Obama when the stocking was good might have a slight problem as Douglas Heye of U.S. News and World Report discovered.

This time last year, the Obama Store was teeming with customers. Ideally situated in the basement of Washington's Union Station, the store was filled with consumers eager to buy anything with Obama's likeness while others took pictures of the life-size cut-outs of the president and first lady. Now, the Obama Store is boarded up. (snip) That the Obama Store-which apparently received no stimulus money-has closed may be the most tangible sign yet that the honeymoon is over.

Fame may be fleeting but the power of the free market is not. So hold on to your Obama and Bush items--in a few years they might be valuable collectibles. Or not.

hat tip: cbsnews.com

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