Graph of the Day for February 1, 2010

"[T]he incidence of Harm Standard physical abuse was significantly lower for children living with two married biological parents compared to children living in all other conditions.  An estimated 1.9 per 1,000 children living with two married biological parents suffered Harm Standard physical abuse, compared to 5.9 or more per 1,000 children in other circumstances."  Dept. of Health and Human Services, Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect.

Rates of Child Abuse, by Family Structure

Source:  Dept. of Health and Human Services, Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect.  H/T National Organization of Marriage.

Hoven's Index for February 1, 2010

Incidents of child abuse per 1,000 children, all cases of maltreatment:

School-aged children not enrolled in school:  13.0

School-aged children enrolled in school:  16.6

Incidents of child abuse per 1,000 children, physical abuse:

School-aged children not enrolled in school:  2.5

School-aged children enrolled in school:  4.3

Source:  Dept. of Health and Human Services, Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect.

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