Obama on the legal implications of Einstein's theory of relativity

Quote from the Washington Post:

"This is someone who in law school worked with [Harvard professor] Larry Tribe on a paper on the legal implications of Einstein's theory of relativity," said senior adviser David M. Axelrod. "He does have an incisive mind; that mind is always put to use in pursuit of tangible things that are going to improve people's lives."

Hmmm... should we be impressed?

What is astonishing --- what's mind-boggling --- but explains a lot --- is that:

1. Lawrence Tribe, always mentioned as the next Supreme Court nominee, would lend his name to such utter sophomoric moonshine, thereby exposing himself to ridicule from the entire Harvard Faculty, and screwing up his chances to ever get to the Court.

2. That Obama himself would fall for it --- as the elected chief honcho of the Harvard Law Review! (Although it may explain why nothing he wrote ever got published).

3. That David Axelrod, supposed PR genius, would cite this arrant nonsense as a point IN FAVOR of his boss.

4. That a WaPo reporter would publish it in a recitation of why the man in the White House is sane after all, even while expecting the Democrats in Congress to commit political suicide for the greater glory of Obama.

5. That some editor at the WaPo allowed it to pass, in spite of the fact that everybody with any scientific background is laughing their heads off as this juicy bit of news is buzzing around the web.

And yet, and yet... there it is. It's an "admission against interest" in legalese, and therefore all the more credible.

I conclude that:

1. The President and his inner circle are unbelievably ignorant about science and technology, not to mention the legal implications of Einstein (of which there are exactly none).

2. This Administration is just as scientifically illiterate and brain-suckered as its wholehearted support of the Global Warming Fraud would lead one to believe.

3. That the official Illuminati of the Left have now indoctrinated THEMSELVES so that they believe their own superstitions --- where previously all that just seemed to be another cynical ploy.

4. That we are therefore much worse off than I had previously imagined, because our leadership in Washington DC is not just cynical and mendacious, but objectively ignorant beyond belief.

5. That the Global Warming Fraud actually reflects the genuine beliefs of the Best and the Brightest that the liberal elite has on offer.

6. Ugh!!!

Jim Lewis

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