Tea party movement inspires similar group in Great Britain

America has always been a beacon of hope and freedom throughout the world.  As Lady Liberty raises her torch on the horizon, the American Tea Party movement has inspired the citizens of Great Britain to join the cause of less taxation and less government intrusion in our lives.

Daniel Hannan, a British politician and member of the European Parliament, has taken the reigns to begin the British Tea Party.  He has been an outspoken voice of less taxes and responsible government in Great Britain this past year.  I applaud Mr. Hannan for having the bravery to speak out against a government that is sinking into the abyss of financial ruin as it drags it citizens along with it. 

Could this be a trend that sweeps throughout the globe?  This may just be the beginning of a snowball effect that resonates around the world.  We have corrupt governments everywhere that have taxed their citizens to their knees.  Can you imagine a global movement where the principles of America's Founding Fathers insight a tsunami of freedom and liberty?

Perhaps the sleeping giant does not only reside in America...

Katy Abram is the Arlen Specter town hall attendee who told him he has "awakened a sleeping giant."  She can be followed at twitter/katyabram.com and www.katyabram.com.

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