The easy way back to full employment

At the White House healthcare summit yesterday, Nancy Pelosi said that passing Obamacare would create 400,000 jobs almost immediately. Never mind that this thing isn't supposed to take effect for three or four years, and that job creation from a healthcare reform bill that is supposed to "save" everyone money is.... what the... where did that number come from?

The Speaker wouldn't say anything ditzy would she? We know she is a towering intellect, second in the line of succession to the presidency, right behind Joe Biden, another supernova.

Anyway, following her lead on this line of thinking, here are some other suggestions for slaying this seemingly intractable unemployment dragon that is weighing us down.

Nationalize the computer industry and create, oh, say, 600,000 jobs pretty darned quick.

Nationalize the restaurant industry and create, by my estimate, 550,000 jobs, pronto!

Nationalize the consumer electronics industry and perhaps create as much as 710,000 jobs rapido!

Nationalize the transportation industry and create another 450,000 jobs ASAP!

Nationalize the grocery industry and create 800,000 jobs lickety split!

Nationalize the oil industry and create 655,000 jobs as quick as a Dominecker hen jumping on a June bug!

See how easy this is? Who knew? Why hasn't someone thought of this before?

Watching Democrats "working" in an unscripted setting without talking point memos and TelePrompTers is like watching a Mel Brooks movie. All of the characters seem to be plumb loco.

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