The origins of Obama's anti-Enlightenment views

The intensity of anti-European animus exhibited by Obama throughout his multiple obeisances toward the Saudis, Egypt, Putin, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, China and Japan --- everyone but Europeans and their descendants --- follows naturally from his affirmatively-coddled Ivy League tutelage.

At Harvard Law he discovered that the American Founders had drafted a flawed document proscribing forcible redistribution of property by government. Post-grad steeping in the rants of Saul Alinsky, Leonard Jeffries and Jeremiah Wright gave depth and fixity to this mindset. In this worldview the Western European attainments of the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, and representative democracies with their rights doctrines, property guarantees and individual liberties are all malign, exploitative and injurious to humanity.

Any observable inequalities of result are proof of European guilt. Following the 2008 election Obama believes it's now get-even time. His obvious haste reveals his realization that his best and only chance to change the course of history is while the useful idiots Reid and Pelosi are still available to assist in the dismantlement of the free market economy followed by its replacement by a mandate-laden redistributionist regime.

We are very fortunate that his overreaching is serving to arouse so many normally somnolent but essentially non-servile American voters.

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