Three Female Tea Party Musketeers

Housewives and moms Diana Evans, Suki Carder and Lisa Feroli epitomize what the Tea Party Movement is all about; We the People taking back our country in whatever ways our passion and talents lead us. This dynamic trio have created and host a new political forum which they have named, "Eat and Greet." The forums are held in a restaurant in each Central Florida congressional district. All candidates running for office in that district are invited to attend. Each candidate is given two minutes on the microphone for an opening monologue. Diana, Suki and Lisa are polite but firm. When they say two minutes, they mean two minutes.

After the introductory monologues is the "Speed Dating" segment of the forum. Every candidate goes to a table of voters to chat and address their questions. When one of the host trio announces "time to switch", the candidate moves to a different table repeating the process.

Lisa, Suki and Diana say we voters have had our fill of politicians talking at us via long speeches. They wanted to create an interactive forum which would give voters a unique opportunity to meet and talk with candidates eye to eye. The response to the "Eat & Greet" from voters and candidates has been outstanding.

In true Conservative respect for Capitalism and appreciation for the restaurant's hospitality, the trio encourages attendees to order something and tip well.

"Eat & Greet", the trio's brilliantly simple proactive idea was birthed out of the Tea Party Movement. Lisa Feroli organized the first Orlando Tea Party which was so successful she was a featured guest on the Glenn Beck national TV program.

Diana, Suki and Lisa are not CEOs, associated with any PAC (political action committee) or a corporation. They are simply concerned patriots who love their country and feel compelled to work to save it.

As the song says, God truly does use ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. I say, way to go to my patriot sisters, extremely well done and I am proud of you. YOU ROCK!


Lloyd Marcus (black) Unhyphenated American, Singer/Songwriter, Entertainer, Author, Artist & Tea Party Patriot

American Tea Party Anthem
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