Why do some people fall in love with politicians?

Why do some people fall in love with politicians?


Andrew Young, former aide to and confidant of John Edwards, said on Sean Hannity's TV show Tuesday night (February 2, 2010) that when he heard Edwards speak, he "fell in love." This wasn't the homoerotic type of love, but the political type. He said that when Edwards was "on", he was really something. Young spoke about how "John had the ability to do something about education, healthcare, ..." and so on.


He was so smitten that he was instrumental in covering up the affair that Edwards was having with Rielle Hunter, and when Edwards asked, he even agreed to claim fatherhood of Rielle's baby to protect Edwards.


Thus, a married man with children was willing to stain his own reputation and that of his family, for an adulterous politician.


He has since become sentient and has written a book, "The Politician", in which he exposes the whole sorry mess.


Tens of millions of Americans fell hopelessly, rhapsodically in love with another politician in 2008; Barack Obama.


Independents flocked to him like pigeons to a park bench strewn with scattered bags of popcorn.


One year later, they are fleeing like they just heard a shotgun blast.


Wealthy investors and financiers like Warren Buffett also fell hard. Now, there are murmurs of serious doubt. (We heard all of his campaign rhetoric about remaking America and spreading the wealth, but we had no idea...).


Moderate Republicans like Colin Powell were also clanging gongs and beating drums on the bandwagon.


Self described conservative columnists and pundits like David Frum, David Brooks, Kathleen Parker, Peggy Noonan, and Christopher Buckley also fell under his spell.


Now, they are sounding like the sassy gal who hooked up with Mr. Right at a club one evening, and after a night of dancing and revelry, invited him to come home with her.


In the cold harsh light of day on the morning after; (Uh oh, what have I done? Look at this guy; he has morning breath, he isn't nearly as witty, charming, and romantic as he was last night, and on top of that he is annoyingly egotistical, and .... Yikes!)


Get intoxicated by a politician's rhetoric, and the hangovers are hellacious.

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