An Orwellian redefinition of the Constitution

I woke up today and found this article by "Progressive" historian Louise W. Knight in my local newspaper. It was cleverly titled "The Great American Debate Recommences".

It represents a new propaganda offensive by the radical "Progressive" left as mainstream advocates of "Constitutional" government. It is totally Orwellian in its misrepresentation of the real "Progressive" government and ideas!

The proponents of the most regressive idea of government on the planet (Centralized control by a small group of elites who rule "for the people's own good") are now relabeling themselves as "Today's Defender's of the Constitution:

"Today's defenders of the Constitution are the progressives. Led by President Obama, they believe that the national government should not only protect the nation from attack, promote interstate commerce and protect individual rights but also solve national problems through federal legislation - from building infrastructure to promote economic growth to making the schools better to protecting workers from unjust employment practices. It is not surprising that the tea party-ers hate President Obama. He embodies the Antifederalists' worst fears."

The article goes on to equate "Progressivism" with all that is good and American - programs to help the poor, unemployed, etc. The author clearly implies that such programs are within the scope of the Constitutional authority when they in fact are not. Such Federal programs where only allowed into existence through leftist "court packing" with jurist of the "living Constitution" philosophies and through tortured abuse of the Commerce and General Welfare clauses.

We Conservatives well know that "Progressives" are entirely disrespectful of Limited/Constitutional government! If the "Progressives" adhered to the Constitution and Federalism, 90% of their agenda of government intervention and control would not become law.

Conservatives must be aware of this new propaganda offensive by the radical leftist/statists "Regressives" (I refuse to call them "Progressives" from this point forward because, as I said up front, they advocate the oldest form of authoritarian government know to mankind.). The radical left have sensed that the American people are desiring of a return to traditional Constitutional governance and are trying to steal a march on Conservatives by redefining the language and the content of the Constitution itself.

Do not let them get away with this.


Richard J. Little is a resident of Lawton, Oklahoma

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