Code Red targets three Democrats; your help needed

The anti-Obamacare group Code Red, an arm of the National Republican Congressional Committee, has targeted three Democratic House members who are currently undecided. Below is their contact information:

1)      Congressman Chris Carney (PA-10):  PHONE -  (570) 585-9988  |  EMAIL -  | WEBSITE -

Ø  Vote on the House Bill:  YES        Current Status:  UNDECIDED

2)       Congressman Steve Driehaus (OH-01): PHONE (513) 684-2723  |  EMAIL -  |  WEBSITE -

Ø  Vote on the House Bill:  YES        Current Status:  UNDECIDED

3)      Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (AZ-08):  PHONE (520) 881-3588  |  EMAIL -   |  WEBSITE -

Ø  Vote on the House Bill:  YES        Current Status:  UNDECIDED

Every single vote is vital. It may come down to as few as 4-5 votes by week's end. Flipping a couple of these Congressmen would really help.

Telephones are, as you would expect, jammed. If you can't get through right away, send an email - and keep trying to phone in. House offices are tallying the calls so its vital you keep trying to get through.

We'll have more targets for your efforts later.

If you experience technical problems, please write to