Putin scolds Clinton, US, as if we were children

Three more years of this. Three more years of unilateral embarrassment. Three more years of having to put up with foreign leaders who laugh at us, scold us in public, and dismiss us as if we were - are - a paper tiger.

ABC News reports about a humiliating diatribe by Vladmir Putin that the Russian strong man laid on Hillary Clinton - in public:

When reporters traveling with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Moscow were informed that a last-minute meeting with Russia's Prime Minister Valdimir Putin had been added to the schedule, they were told they would only get to see a few seconds of handshakes before being ushered out.

Instead, with cameras rolling, they watched Putin spend six minutes rattling off a number of complaints he has with the United States.

Trade with the US has slowed during the financial crisis, he complained, Russian companies have been slapped with US sanctions and Russia is having trouble joining the World Trade Organization.

He also singled out the 1974 Jackson-Vanik amendment, as he has in the past, as evidence that the US is not fully encouraging business with Russia. (The amendment restricts trade with countries that limit emigration, as the USSR did with Jews.)

"If we continue to work together, we can move beyond the problems to greater opportunities," Clinton replied, according to the Washington Post, after emphasizing some of the accomplishments the two countries had recently achieved. The report added that Clinton was "unfazed by the blunt lecture."

Reporters were surprised at the length of Putin's list of issues and the fact that he did it in front of the Russian and American press corps, a pool reporter noted. (H/T: Jen Rubin )

Of course Hillary was "unfazed." She accepts America's humiliation because she thinks we deserve it. There are a couple of Secretaries of State - Democratic and Republican - who would have walked out on a Russian who sought to lecture and humiliate us. But I suppose we better get used to this kind of treatment - at least until Obama is sent packing.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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