See you in November

Democrats and their media allies are counting on voters forgetting the intensity of their opposition to ObamaCare and other elements of the state takeover of parts of American life formerly safely in private hands. "Six months is an eternity in politics," goes the mantra they chant to reassure themselves that retribution at the polls will not be so terribly bad for them, because, after all, the common folk are pretty stupid and unable to carry an idea for very long.

Dr. Chris Link disagrees. Laughter is a potent remedy to forgetfulness. He has produced, with his family, a charming video based on the pop song "See you in September," foreseeing the November elections, when America has the opportunity to fire those who have so badly bungled their responsibilities as federal legislators. It is two and a half minutes that will cheer you up:

Dr Link writes:

"Me, I'm a Saul Alinsky convert: Rule #5- "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."


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