The Miss America President

Jane Woodworth, publisher of You Too, Congress, a blog advocating that Congress be forced to follow the same rules they impose on citizens, writes that Obama reminds her of Miss America:

President Obama seems to have taken his cues from Miss America. He prepared well over many years.  He attended the best schools, has many talents, and community service is his bailiwick.  During the campaign he certainly proved that he can say what people want to hear.  And he won, overwhelmingly.

President Obama wears his crown with pride.  Endless TV time, Town Hall visits and overseas appearances remind us daily that he won.  Lest we forget, he reminds us.  He hosts parties, gives speeches and when it comes to Congress, rallies the troops. We know how important health care reform is to this president.  And his staff keeps telling us that he has worked hard to write a bill with all the best ideas in it.  But we have yet to see the bill. He talks about it.  He assures us that we need it, but he doesn't seem to know what is in it.

While Congress creates rules to shove this unpopular bill through,  and pundits predict that the democrat party will be left in tatters as a result,  the president wings off to high schools and factories to pose on TV with adoring crowds telling anyone who will listen that he truly knows what is best for us.

Like Miss America, President Obama wears his crown well.   And like Miss America the culimination of his presidency may have taken place in November 2008. The rest is just marketing.

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