Time for apologies to Tea Partiers

It is an unfortunate fact of modern American politics that right wing movements are demonized as racists by their political opponents with a lot of help from the media. The most recent such incident was the claim that black congressmen had been called racist terms and spit on by tea party activists before the ObamaCare vote.

As Gateway Pundit meticulously demonstrates the charge was utterly false.

Andrew Breitbart , in fact, offered payment for proof:

On Thursday of last week Andrew Breitbart at Big Government offered $10,000 to any of the reported victims for proof of a racial attack. No one will! And, in this economy you know someone would if they could. No one came forward. Nothing happened. It was all a lie.

It's way past time that the people who make such false charges and the media which megaphone them in the absence of solid evidence apologize for the slander.We join Gateway Pundit in demanding the apology.

Gateway says the false charges were carried as if they were true by the following media:

Reporters from ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX News, (including Bill O'Reilly), MSNBC, and so on, repeated this horrible story.[/quote]. I recall that the Washington Post also rode that bandwagon.

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