VA nightmare a harbinger of what we can expect under Obamacare

Paralleling Obamacare with existing government programs should stand as a bellwether for those who favor this bloated plot to undermine our basic freedoms. The Veteran's Administration (VA) provides a glaring early warning of our future, if Obamacare replaces our health care infrastructure. Personal experience tells a disturbing story.

Before my father graduated from high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force for two stints of service beginning in 1944. In October of 2008, we began treading water with the VA, filing for his military pension. In seventeen months, we have provided over one hundred pages of old military documents, along with current financial and health information - all the while blithely wondering, how much more do they need to know? Today, in mid-March 2010, I filed four more VA forms, in triplicate.

For these many months, we have put up with pin-headed case workers, rejections, and re-submissions of previously provided paperwork; which was apparently lost or shredded somewhere between the mailroom and a government drone's desk. Even with a very courageous and knowledgeable American Legion Representative guiding us through the process, it has been ridiculously frustrating to negotiate the VA maze.

A blizzard of forms and signatures have been required from a man who cannot write, sit or stand by himself, and whose physical and cognitive abilities are quickly diminishing - along with his bank account. They know everything about Dad's financial status, right down to account numbers, the balance of his IRA, his last social security check - everything. With accuracy they could probably predict the last time his kidney's functioned.

Meanwhile, at the age of eighty-three, he resides in an adult foster care home, counting specks on the ceiling, worrying about his finances and what will happen to his spouse. Always self-sufficient, he proudly served our country. Now, he is being asked to step to the rear of the bus so they can push him out the back door. Perhaps if they stall long enough, they won't have to pay his pension.

Today, after spending eight hours attempting to comply with the newly required forms, I finished with another question in my mind. How many more forms could there be? Shockingly, on the VA web site, I discovered there are literally five hundred forms the VA can request - depending on what type of aid you require.

Are you sure you want the government to control your health care access and make these personal decisions for you? When the nefarious Obamacare bully looms over you, grinning as he shoves you toward the emergency exit at the rear of the bus; remember - there's nothing but thin air before your face hits the pavement. Be sure to tuck and roll! Bullies turn into cowards when you stand up to them. Call your congressional representatives today!

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