What we'd like to hear from executives called to testify about Obamacare

What we'd like to hear from executives called to testify about Obamacare:

On the issue of differing opinions on the effect of the bill:

Mr. Chairman, obviously, our company experts have an opinion different from the one your experts have of the effect the bill will have on our company. We believe our experts. If they are wrong in their assessment, our company will do better than we expect. However, I ask you, sir, if your experts are wrong, what will be the effect on the country?

On being asked to provide internal memoranda dealing with reaching their conclusion on the effect of the bill:

Mr. Chairman, we will turn over our internal memoranda on how we reached our conclusion when you make public your internal deliberations on securing a sufficient number of votes to pass the bill.

Well, I can dream, can't I?

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