A real 'outing' of a CIA Operative by Obama administration

In contrast to the bombast and demands for punishment which accompanied the news that White House officials "outed" CIA desk jockey Valerie Plame, there's been almost total silence respecting this Administration's outing of a real undercover CIA operative, Afghan President Hamid Karzai's brother, an  outing sure to put him and his family and associates in mortal danger.

As Tony Blankley writing in the Washington Times reminds us:

That same week, coincidentally, the New York Times reported on the front page the name of a purported CIA-paid undercover asset. It was none other than Ahmed Wali Karzai, the powerful brother of the Afghan president. The Times cited, on background, Obama administration "political officials," "senior administration officials" and others as its sources to the effect that the Afghan president's brother has been secretly on the CIA payroll for eight years as well as being a major narcotics trafficker.  (Emphasis supplied.)

Where's the outrage? The demand for the appointment of a special prosecutor? The demand that the President clean house?
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