Dr. Cassell and the shot heard around America

A Florida doctor decided that having to wait four years to realize any notable impact from Obama's triaged Health Care Reform was too long and has seriously pushed up the timeline to effect changes. At the same time, in keeping with the theme of "no time like the present," the doctor sounded off in a shot heard around America when he posted this note to the entrance of his practice -

If you voted for Obama ... seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years.

Being careful to stay within accepted medical ethics Dr. Jack Casell states, "I'm not turning anybody away - that would be unethical. But if they read the sign and turn the other way, so be it."

Then the good doctor offers up a bit of apologetics with mini epistle flyers in his waiting room that highlights the more "notable" provisions of Obama's HCR package. Above the stack of flyers Dr. Casell employs his scalpel one more time with this word -

This is what the morons in Washington have done to your health care. Take one, read it and vote out anyone who voted for it.

That's getting down to business. What are the "offended" going to do? Sic the Justice Department on him for discrimination? We haven't seen the designation of "Democrat" as a protected minority... yet. And he can't be nailed for being "bigoted" because tens of millions of folk of all stripes and colors voted for Obama and support this health care boondoggle. As Erin VanSickle, spokeswoman for the Florida Medical Association, noted in an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel, "Physicians are extended the same rights to free speech as every other citizen in the United States."

Joe "You lie!" Wilson and Dr. Jack "So be it" Casell - men who shoot straight and don't obfuscate. They're an example to us all. Dr. Casell's medicine is certainly one remedy against the government-mandated health care illness. I like it.  

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