Embrace the label - 'The Party of No'

Actually, this label has a very negative ring to it, and was disastrous when it was applied to Newt Gingrich's Republicans who shut down congress and were seriously damaged by being branded as obstructionists.

On the other hand, object strenuously and in unison is what Republicans need to do forcefully and relentlessly without letup until the Democrats' radical agenda is neutralized or reversed. This will take years. The leftists will take every opportunity to depict their opposition as obstructionist.

The initial response from Republicans, in many instances, has been to make concessions and adopt a conciliatory posture. Often they appear defensive, which gives the impression they are on the wrong side of the argument. They exhibit great temerity in opposing outright and completely the liberal programs. If a dedicated, unrelenting defense of the People's rights against an overreaching radical leftist government is to be sustained, Republicans must reframe the argument and wear the label with pride. They must do so soon.

Do you want to saddle future generations with massive debt or drive the country into insolvency?

Do you want servitude to China or the UN?

Do you want America to embrace mediocrity, dependence, and third world status while rejecting excellence and private sector solutions?

Do you want Washington bureaucrats to dictate to families what products and services they must buy?

Do you want America to cozy up to dictators and appease its enemies while turning its back on friends and allies?

Do you want America to disarm and leave itself at the mercy of its adversaries?

Do you want an America that passes laws over the will of the majority of the people?

If ‘yes', vote for the party of ‘yes'. Vote for the party of big, intrusive, and profligate government. Vote for the party of humiliating foreign policies. I reject these initiatives, and will oppose them with pride and with honor, and with as much force as I am capable, because I believe to do otherwise is to abandon the noble experiment that over the course of two hundred years has made America the most prosperous and free country in the history of mankind.

Vote for the party of ‘NO'!

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