Graph of the Day for April 5, 2010

"Today's employment report shows continued signs of gradual labor market healing.  Payroll employment rose significantly in March, and the unemployment rate remained constant...  Moreover, revised estimates now show a small job gain in January and a smaller job loss in February than previously reported.  As a result, for the first quarter of 2010 as a whole, job growth averaged 54,000 per month.  This is a dramatic change from the first quarter of 2009, when average job loss was 753,000 per month."  Christina Romer, Chair of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisors.

Number of Jobs

Innocent Bystanders.  (Unemployment rate in March was 9.7%, same as February.  I'm told our beloved graph-maker at Innocent Bystanders, Geoff, is without a job himself now.  Seems like he'd have more time to update the graph then, but what do I know?)

Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Hoven's Index for April 5, 2010

Job gains or losses in 2010 (Jan-Mar) in various sectors:

Total:  +162,000

Health and education:  +92,000

Government:  +15,000

Goods producing:  -36,000

Financial activities:  -58,000

Construction:  -104,000

Source:  St. Louis Fed/FRED.

Graph of the Day Archive.

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