Graph of the Day for April 9, 2010

"[W]hat I've learned as a mom, in trying to feed my girls, is that it is so important for them to get regular fruits and vegetables in their diets, because it does have nutrients, it does make you strong, it is all brain food."  First Lady Michelle Obama.

"Obesity and diabetes in minority communities is more severe. And so I think targeted programs, particularly to children in those communities, to make sure that they've got sound nutrition, that they have access to fruits and vegetables and not just Popeye's."  Barack Obama.

What Americans Have Been Eating the Last 100 Years

US Dept. of Agriculture.  H/T AoSHQ.

Hoven's Index for April 9, 2010

Sweeteners (sugar, molasses, honey, corn syrup, ...) per person in 1909:  83.4 lbs.

In 2008:  136.3 lbs.

Cheese per person in 1909:  5 lbs.

In 2008:  31 lbs.

Food group consumption compared to dietary recommendations, in 2008:

Grains:  130%

Meet:  120%

Vegetables:  65%

Fruit:  40%

Source:  US Dept. of Agriculture.

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