It's Baseball Season!

Hooray, it is baseball season! I love baseball.  Baseball has always been my great escape from the problems of life.  This year I hope that by rooting for my beloved team I will be (at least temporarily) distracted from thinking about what the Democrats are doing to our nation.  In order to do accomplish this task, I will have to stand guard against certain ideas creeping into my mind while enjoying the national pastime. For instance:

  • When the umpire yells, "Let's play ball," I must not consider the slang definition of this phrase and think about the Chicago-style "let's play ball" politics (Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, Air Force One ride for Kucinich, Stupak deal, etc.) used to get ObamaCare passed.
  • When the umpire yells, "Strike," I must not let myself start thinking about labor unions, and the special protection they got from the president when he took over GM and our health care.
  • When the umpire yells, "Fair," I must not think about what the word "fair" represents to Democrats: tax hikes, entitlement programs and wealth redistribution. And I must not agonize over how the Dems will one day try to stifle conservative talk radio through the "fairness doctrine."
  • When I see an injured player on the field and the team doctor run to his side, I must not let myself think about how long it would take me to see a doctor once ObamaCare is in full swing.
  • When I watch a game on television and marvel at all the different cameras and angles, I must not let my mind think about the promised C-SPAN health care television coverage that never was.
  • When I watch a player argue with an umpire, I must not allow myself to think about how useless it is to argue with a liberal.
  • When I hear the song, Take Me Out to the Ball Game, and the words "buy me some peanuts and cracker jack," I must not let my mind take offense at the idea of government handouts - that I believe in paying for my own peanuts and cracker jack.
  • When I listen to the sports media, I must not let my mind think about the one-sided mainstream media.
  • When I agonize over bad managerial decisions, I must not let myself think about all the bad decisions President Obama has made.
  • When my beloved Chicago White Sox win and I feel so good, I must not let myself be troubled by the fact that President Obama is also a White Sox fan.

Yes, I sure have my work cut out this baseball season if I hope to escape for a few hours a day from thinking about what the Democrats are doing to this country. Nevertheless, I am going to try.
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