Not letting libs get away with it anymore

Evidence accumulates that the left isn't getting away with as much media malice as it used to. Twice on recent television shows, liberal poppycock has been corrected, and even laughed at on talking head shows.

Newsbusters, which was knocked off the net for 36 hours by an attack, brings us two TV stories. In  the first, Nora O'Donnell was laughed at by colleagues on MSNBC's Morning Joe, which she guest-hosted:

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell on Friday went too far for even her colleagues at the liberal cable channel, receiving mockery for her assertion that Newt Gingrich made racially charged remarks about Barack Obama. At the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, Thursday, the former House Speaker commented that "shooting three-point shots may be clever, but it doesn't put anybody to work."

Speaking of the President's basketball skills, Gingrich continued: "What we need is a President, not an athlete. We need somebody who actually focuses on getting people back to work." After the clip was played, Morning Joe guest host O'Donnell lobbed her accusation at Gingrich:

But I'm not sure what he means by this particular soundbite and I think it's open to some criticism because it suggests that the President is an athlete and some people may suggest, you  know, because all black people are good athletes. I mean that's what it sort of sounds like to me.

The rest of the Morning Joe panel scoffed at O'Donnell's claim, erupting in a flurry of dismissiveness.

Today, the insufferable Arianna Huffington was corrected by three fellow panelists: George Will, Cokie Roberts, and Sam Donaldson:

For the second time in six days, liberal publisher Arianna Huffington stuck her foot in her mouth on national television only to get corrected by numerous others on camera.

Appearing on Sunday's "This Week" on ABC, Huffington foolishly claimed that Supreme Court justices John Paul Stevens and David Souter would never be appointed by a Republican President today due to "how far the Party has traveled," obviously meaning to the Right.

All three of her fellow Roundtable panelists were quick to correct her flawed logic beginning with Sam Donaldson.

ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: But [Sen. Jon] Kyl was never willing to answer your question whether he considered any of the frontrunners as ideologically too extreme. And really, that's the reason why the President just needs to decide who he wants to nominate and not just try to avoid a fight, because just remember both Stevens and Souter were nominated by Republican presidents. Can you ever imagine a Republican right now nominating either of them? That's how far the Party has traveled, and that's why a fight will not be avoided.

SAM DONALDSON: But Stevens when he was nominated first on the Court was a moderate-conservative in his decisions. He evolved, if that's the right word.

COKIE ROBERTS: Well, as did the Court. I mean, I interviewed Gerry Ford about his nomination of Stevens, a few years ago, right, shortly before he died, and he said, he said, "He's turned out to be one of the most liberal members of the current Court of which was not something that I envisioned." He said, "But he's a very, he's a very good legal scholar, and still support him."

GEORGE WILL: Yes, Eisenhower said when asked if he made some mistakes he said, "Yes, two of them are sitting on the Supreme Court." He meant Brennan and Warren. But also, Arianna, no Democrat today would nominate Felix Frankfurter as Roosevelt did, and no Democrat would nominate Whizzer White as Jack Kennedy did.

DONALDSON: Yeah, White turned out to be a very conservative member of the Court.

Add to these two incidents the Washington Post Ombudsman calling for investigation into the spittlegate propaganda op, and we begin to see the left called to account for its lies.

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