Obama and the Guerilla Billboards

The presidency of Barack Obama has given birth to a new phenomenon in the world of political protest, the guerilla billboard. Traditionally, political protest extended to demonstrators carrying signs, spray painted graffiti, and even the occasional poster.

Enter the entrepreneur class.

Small business in America, the most dynamic sector of our economy, incubator of the new industries of tomorrow, is under siege by the forces of the left, led by President Obama. Entrepreneurs see themselves being throttled by new taxes, mandates, and regulations. But small business owners know a few things about communicating to the public, and as a result, we have seen the rise of billboards protesting President Obama, with a look back at other presidents.

First came the George W. Bush "Miss me yet?" billboard in Minnesota:

Now comes word of a billboard in Colorado invoking the memory of Jimmy Carter:

The Democrats, who see entrepreneurs as exploiters, have no comprehension of the values driving such grass roots behavior. They can only hypothesize dark conspiracies, with some top-down force erecting these billboards. The reality is far worse for them: millions of resourceful, creative Americans are now mobilized to protest and convince their fellow Americans that our economy and national security are being systematically crippled by a President whio either does not understand the consequences of his actions, or who really believes what he says about the United States not being a special nation, and undeserving of the prosperity we have enjoyed in the past.

Hat tip: Cliff Thier
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