Obama denies individual assistance for CT storm victims

On Inauguration Day 2009, Barack Obama slammed the outgoing President for the "Bush Administration's ‘unconscionable ineptitude' in responding to Hurricane Katrina."

No doubt the mainstream media will pick up the regional story coming out of Connecticut where Mr. Obama "has denied aid to individuals affected by March's massive storms."

Governor M. Jodi Rell is disappointed with the decision and is working on an appeal because "People and businesses all across Connecticut were left with millions of dollars in damage. They need help."

Without a doubt the White House Press Corps will question why the Obama Administration is not meeting the needs of individuals in their time of personal tragedy.

Actually, none of that will happen because Gov. Rell is a Republican.  What we can expect is for Chris Matthews to make up some leg-quivering excuse for the request denial, such as "Obama makes the tough choices" and the mainstream media will castigate the Governor for using a natural disaster to play politics.

The Left is becoming pitifully predictable.

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