Obama's nuclear delusions

Significant who was not invited to President Barack Hussein Obama's (D) non nuclear kindergarten tea party last week are those countries who will not play well with others, will not join hands to sing Kumbaya at the end of the day and then go home to make nice. (think Iran, North Korea for starters) But as Mark Steyn summarizes so well, as usual, the gathering was more than an exercise in futility, it was dangerously delusional.

Claiming it was worse than the oft compared pre World War ll Neville Chamberlain peace in our time agreements, Steyn points out:

it's difficult to imagine Neville Chamberlain in 1938 hosting a conference on the dangers of rearmament, and inviting America, France, Brazil, Liberia and Thailand ...but not even mentioning Germany.

Yet that's what Obama just did: He held a nuclear gabfest in 2010, the biggest meeting of world leaders on American soil since the founding of the United Nations 65 years ago - and Iran wasn't on the agenda.


Five years ago, when there was still a chance the world might prevent a nuclear Iran rather than pretending to "contain" it, I remember the bewildered look from a "nonproliferation expert" on a panel I was on after I suggested non-proliferation was a laughably obsolescent frame for this discussion. You could just about enforce nonproliferation back in the Cold War when the only official nuclear powers were the Big Five at the U.N. Security Council and the entry level for the nuclear club was extremely expensive and technologically sophisticated. Now it's not. If Pakistan and North Korea can be nuclear powers, who can't? North Korea's population is starving. Its GDP per capita is lower than Ghana, lower than Zimbabwe, lower than Mongolia.


Yet it's a nuclear power.

But there is good news from Obama no nuke never, never land.

The good news is that at least you don't have to worry about a nuclear blitzkrieg from Winnipeg. Sleep easy.

Read the entire brilliant essay by Steyn.

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