Reuters: Everything Bad is Caused by Global Warming

On April 20, Reuters reported in a logic-deficient article that spring has arrived ten days early this year due to global warming. On the 22nd, they now report that a deadly strain of fungus is spreading across North America. The last sentence of this article states, "Freezing can kill the fungus and climate change may be helping it spread, the researchers said.

Wait a minute.  Again, this doesn't mesh with facts and logic.  We have just suffered through one of the coldest winters in decades.  A winter where unprecedented freezing temperatures have decimated the tomato crop in the US from Pittsburgh to Orlando.  How can Reuters support the statement, "Freezing can kill the fungus and climate change may be helping it spread..."?

Perhaps Reuters should just end every article they publish with the boiler plate phrase, "...and climate change may be responsible for the problem, researchers said."

Andrew Thomas

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