Some suggestions on what the tea party movement should do next

In a recent article, Erick Erickson argues that the Tea Party movement should now evolve into a more organized, focused, and - ultimately - more effective opposition movement.  On the same site appears another opportune article about the very successful organizing technique applied by the democrats in Colorado in 2008 How the Democrats Won Colorado (and Why Republicans Everywhere Should Care). Meanwhile, an AT article  reports that the US population, as it has for decades,  polls predominantly conservative.  From these and other commentaries, we may surmise that:

* The democrats are ahead of us (conservatives) in organization.  They have been at it a long time (decades), have established political dominance in such institutions as the MSM, academia, and entertainment with a correspondingly powerful impact on our culture.  Moreover, they  have developed effective techniques for propagating their ideology and influence, as evidenced in Colorado in 2008.  In contrast, we conservatives are just beginning to feel our way. 

* We can, and should, learn from the progressives.  Fortunately, the new media allows the learning process to occur at a greatly accelerated pace.

* Whereas the liberals have the experience and a head start, the conservatives have the advantage of superior numbers, and, since 2008, great energy.  The Gang of Three (Obama, Pelosi and Reid), in their relentless pursuit of an extremist agenda, provoke the sensibilities of the conservative majority on an almost daily basis.

Since its beginnings Tea Party Movement has focused on organizing rallies to protest liberal policies in general and supporting candidates that espouse conservative principles.  Now that the Movement is looking for ways to impact more directly the political process and in particular the 2010 elections, I propose an additional line of attack. Conservatives should focus not only on political candidates, pro and con, they should attack the very underpinnings of the liberal establishment:  -mainstream media, academia, certain large corporations, and other leftist organizations.  Many of the institutions in these sectors, and individual leaders within them, are sensitive to public opinion.  There are countless inviting targets.  When the Administration bribes or otherwise coerces Big Pharma,  AARP,  the AMA, or  Big Oil,  for example,  the Tea party should apply intense countervailing pressure by holding rallies in front of the offices or homes of the executives of these organizations.  Boycott their products.  Blitz them with calls and emails. Flood them with negative publicity.  Let them feel the heat!! 

Until now, the Administration has had a free ride gaining the support, unopposed, of these organizations.   No more!  Let's identify these organizations and their leaders and make them feel some real pain when they advance policies that threaten to destroy the American way of life.

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