Sticks and stones

Even though the Liberal/Progressive/Democrats don't seem to be able to formulate any rational explanation that the majority of Americans can accept for the surge of enormous legislative initiatives that they are ramming through on what is largely party line voting, that doesn't seem to dull their own version of "hate speech" when it comes to dealing with the Tea Party movement or anyone else who expresses opposition to their plans.

Tea Party folks are called racist, sexist, homophobes, semi-literate cretins, rednecks, bigots, anti-Hispanic or even Nazis. Many of those opposed to the LPDs respond with accusations of them being socialists, fascists, communists, kool-aid drinking drones, and so on.

Why is it that (a) both sides seem to be acting like school children and (b) the LPDs seem more successful in upsetting the right than the right is at upsetting them?

When one considers the "Nazi" label that the LPDs have hung around the necks of Tea Partiers and those others who question the wisdom of Obamacare, Cap-and-Tax, so-called Financial Reform, Immigration Amnesty and so on, perhaps the term Resistance, which originated in the same era as the term Nazi, would be the appropriate collective noun for all the opposition forces.

Perhaps because the LPDs don't really believe in thinking (they are more of the "just-do-what-you're-told" command and control school) they are unable to evolve beyond schoolyard taunts. Reflexively, the Resistance responds in kind. Words versus words.

The major difference is that the LPDs make allegations that are patently false. The vast majority of the Resistance is NOT racist, is NOT sexist, is NOT homophobic. But there is no way for members of the Resistance to prove that, since you cannot logically prove a negative. Members of the Resistance are disturbed, since the main stream media simply treats that lack of negative proof as proof positive that the Resistance is in fact racist, sexist, homophobic, and so on.

When one is accused of something untrue, and no amount of explanation seems to offset the blatant lies being told, frustration mounts to higher and higher levels.

On the other hand, when accused of being socialists, communists and so on, the LPDs just sort of mentally shrug and essentially respond with "Yeah? So what's your point?"

The difference in the response of the LPDs to accusations leveled by the Resistance is due to the fact that the accusations are largely true. No one gets too upset when they are accused of something that is obvious to all observers. Very rarely do you see any angst as a result of being accused that one is a human being.

The Resistance has to learn that these accusations cannot be refuted logically. They can only be demonstrated over time to be untrue. And as the Resistance continues, the accusations and insinuations of the LPDs will have less and less influence.

In fact, this situation will become reminiscent of the Aesop fable about the boy who cried wolf. The more the left makes baseless accusations, and the more the bulk of Americans fail to respond in the way the LPDs would like, the wilder and more absurd the allegations will become, until the accusers, the LPDs, become laughing stocks as soon as they open their mouths.

It appears that the solution is to treat any accusations from the LPDs as being beneath contempt. That response works for them, so turnabout seems appropriate. And, as a bonus, it might also be good for a laugh.

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