Sure the economy is recovering; I heard it on MSNBC

The economic recovery is in full swing, I read it in the New York Times, I saw it on MSNBC and I heard it on Air America. Oooooooops, I forgot Air America succumbed to the realities of free-market capitalism, although the rest of the MSM hasn't got the message yet.

Rush Limbaugh prefaces Obamaganda reports on the economy from the MSM with the words "state controlled" as a disclaimer. Recently I found an interesting article by Stanislav Mishkin on our economic recovery from state controlled media that seemed oddly out of lock-step with the Obama party line.

Behind the daily charade, the endless cheer leading are very unforgiving currents that cannot be hidden from an expert eye, no matter how much the Obama Regime and the rest of the American One Party Two Branch system wants it.

Wow, did you ever think that state controlled media would make a statement like that? Stanislav Mishkin? Hmmmmm, never heard of him before, but this is state controlled media and my familiarity with their journalists is very limited.

Mishkin states that "housing continues to be a disaster, absolutely and all the time." He points out that a second wave of foreclosures (above subprime) will not have their full effect on the market until late 2010 or early 2011. Sales figures are obscured by reporting changes in the market only against the previous year's monthly data, a "ridiculous comparison that does well to hide trends." Mishkin states.

Then there are the numerous attempts to forestall the true state of the problem or hide it. One American problem after another to keep the people in their houses, those who can not pay, are all sponsored by that single real American export, debt.

Regarding the cost of financing our out-of-control debt, Mishkin says this will be the final straw that breaks the nation's back.

...The costs are already increasing, on a long term trend. The 10-year bond notes are up, up and away, with interest rates rising to 4.01%, up .51% over the past 5 or 6 trading days, alone. There is no sign of this stopping as not only does the American regime have hundreds of billions more to sell of new debt, just for this month, but refinancing of old debt is needed and that refinancing is picking up steam.

In describing the anti-business agenda of the Obama regime, Mishkin pulls no punches as he slams the body of the jobs killing ObamaCare, EPA carbon regulations and tax schemes.

The American Marxists already control almost half the automotive industry, are taking over the small financial industries on behalf of their banker owners, are now able to take over the medical and medical services industry and have already started making noises about the aviation industry. This puts them in control of over half the American market.

This is state controlled media? Wow, Mr. Mishkin had better hire someone to start his car in the morning! Normally it would be difficult to fill such a risky position, but given the current high unemployment, it may not be that big of a challenge. Speaking of the employment picture, Mishkin says.

Meanwhile, Americans are now told a schizophrenic message: get used to high unemployment (from a liar regime who swore it would never get that high, just hand us your children's future) and spend for all you are worth to save yourself from high unemployment...


...there is the mind boggling 21% real unemployment, counting the semi-employed, unemployed and the untouchables who do not really exist, that is people who have run out of unemployment benefits. These are no longer citizens of the American regime, but human garbage to be swept under the rug.

We have been hearing a lot about leftist infiltrators in the Tea Party movement of late, could Stanislav Mishkin be a right-wing extremist mole in the state controlled media complex? How could he have escaped detection? Is it possible that those who enabled Comrade Obama's campaign by their lack of proper vetting could have fallen victim to their own investigative incompetence?

In closing Mishkin says.

...we must not forget, the trade war the US is now waging with its main financial backer and thus owner: China. Overstretch has a whole new meaning for the "hyper"power.

So, if you are about to invest your monies in dollars or the US economy, one would have to be insane...

Of course this is all taken from state controlled media, so we should view it with a degree of skepticism. Oh yeah, the state controlled media source in question here is Pravda.

Phil Boehmke

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