The bogus 'Doc Fix' the Dems' Achilles heel

In all the chaos and anger following our Government's fiasco in passing health care reform into law a few weeks ago I haven't heard much about one very vital part of the bill that was crucial to keeping it 'deficit neutral'. The 'Doc Fix' that the Democrats have said they were going to pass and that they included in the CBO scoring process to keep the bill from adding to the deficit. Until the Doc Fix passes the bill is NOT deficit neutral. It most certainly adds to the deficit and brings it well over the 1 trillion dollar cost being claimed.

I can see multiple possibilities on how that inconvenient truth can be utilized. If the issue is pushed they are going to have to either admit that they lied and never intended to pass it, or actually pass it. Neither outcome is good for them. As has already been shown by the announcements from AT&T, Verizon, and other companies the unintended consequences are starting to kick in and it hasn't even been a month yet. This could also get the few remaining people on the fence to swing the 'right' way.

It would also be grounds to bring all other items on Obama's agenda to a complete and grinding halt until it's passed. The Democrats built their own Achilles heel into this and it would be foolish to miss this chance to hit them over and over. They passed this bill without our consent and have the audacity to insult our intelligence over and over during the past year telling us we just need to hear more of the details and that we're to dim to understand it. Now that they own health care in this country I really think they need to start paying for this 'good deed' they have done for the American Public.

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