Time for John Lewis To Man Up

From the moment "Spittlegate" happened on March 20th, the media have depicted iconic civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) as its primary victim. He was the "congressman" in question in the incendiary McClatchy headline, "Tea Party protestors scream ‘nigger' at congressman."

The media, of course, have skirted the fact that Lewis did not claim to hear any racial slurs.  As Lewis told McClatchy's William Douglas on the day of the event, "They were shouting, sort of harassing.  What they shouted, Lewis told Douglas, is "kill the bill, kill the bill."

One of my correspondents, Christine Hanes, a "stay at home mom," has some suggestions for the congressman in a context with which Lewis should be able to empathize:

I read everything I could about the incident and have watched many videos trying to see and hear for myself.  I have become convinced that Representative Andre Carson and Representative Emanuel Cleaver are not telling the truth.  Racism is a very serious charge--It should not be made lightly.

You lent your name to this charge based on hearsay.  There are now many videos posted that do not show what Representative Carson and Representative Cleaver asserted yet this charge continues to smear the thousands and thousands of your fellow citizens loud, but peaceful, protesting.

Hanes praises Lewis for having "bravely risked serious harm marching on Bloody Sunday." She assumes that for Lewis this was a lesser risk than "being denied the basic right to participate in the political process with your vote - your voice."  Hanes, a Tea Party participant herself, sympathizes:

My soul and spirit could endure [the risk of beating] better than the malicious smears against us as racists which is nothing more than an effort by government officials to intimidate and silence law abiding, peaceful citizens trying to petition our government concerning a healthcare bill and out-of-control spending that we do not like, think is hurtful to our families, to our country and all its citizens, regardless of color. 

Hanes concludes, "Please do not let this charge against me and our fellow brothers and sisters stand without investigating for yourself.  Please speak to Rep Carson and Rep Cleaver and look them in the eyes."  

Could not have said it better myself.  Love those stay-at-home moms!
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