What about left wing violence?

Let's get this straight, Mr. Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post-the right wing commentators and the Tea Party are responsible for all domestic terrorism, and the left has done nothing to encourage terrorist behavior; funny how leftists never see themselves as guilty of anything.  In his Op Ed piece, The Hutaree Militia and the rising risk of far right violence, Robinson summarizes:

It is dishonest for right-wing commentators to insist on an equivalence that does not exist. The danger of political violence in this country comes overwhelmingly from one direction -- the right, not the left. The vitriolic, anti-government hate speech that is spewed on talk radio every day -- and, quite regularly, at Tea Party rallies -- is calibrated not to inform but to incite.

Demagogues scream at people that their government is illegitimate, that their country has been "taken away," that their elected officials are "traitors" and that their freedom is at risk. They have a right to free speech, which I will always defend. But they shouldn't be surprised if some listeners take them literally.

In his tirade, Robinson unwittingly managed to encapsulate life in these United States today: our country has been taken away by left wing demagogues in the White House, and freedom is at risk.

Now, for some comparisons to the Hutarees, but approved by the left: 

Homegrown Muslim terrorist groups like the one in the Catskills in New York, who plot jihad against America 24/7.  Where is Mr. Robinson's outrage when it comes to Muslim terrorists on American soil? 

Muslim jihad extremists like Hasan of the Ft. Hood murders.  Why did left wing racists give him a free pass, but not the Hutarees?

Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground who didn't think his group went far enough in committing violence against the government. 

Former communist and left wing extremist Van Jones, who recently had a makeover after resigning as Green Jobs Czar, and now sits on Princeton University's staff. 

Rev. Wright who preaches black liberation racist theology and hatred of America. 

Louis Farrakhan who promotes anti-white, anti-Semitic propaganda. 

Andy Stern of SEIU, Obama's BFF (best friend forever), who allows his union thugs to beat up an innocent man in St. Louis?

Maybe right wing extremists like the Hutaree that Mr. Robinson demonizes will someday end up becoming professors and visit Obama in the White House, but for now, they live in shacks out in the woods while the left turns them into an icon of the right. 


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