What kind of nation have we become?

One of our leaders took an oath and confessed he disregards it on video.

"When you take an oath, you hold your soul in your hands and if you break that oath, you open up your fingers and your soul runs through them and is lost." -- Sir Thomas More:

These words echoed through my consciousness as Representative Phil Hare from the 17th district of Illinois uttered the amazing words "I don't worry about the Constitution on this," when referring to the recently passed health care bill. The question put to him was: where in the Constitution does it give you the right to pass this bill?

The issue is whether the politicians have violated their oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. If they have, is anyone going to enforce the law and prosecute these people for this crime? The video evidence in Mr. Hare's case is clear. It's on YouTube for the whole world to see.

If we are not going to enforce our laws, then we have become a nation of men and not a nation of laws. That indeed would be a tragedy.
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