Blumenthal's 'apology' falls short

Folks reading or hearing the news about Connecticut Att'y General (and candidate for Senator) Dick Blumenthal (he repeatedly lied about and mischaracterized his service during the Vietnam war) might have been reminded of this story from 1996.

In May of 1996, Admiral Jeremy Michael ("Mike") Boorda, then Chief of  Naval Operations, apparently committed suicide.

Based on letters he left, to his family and to sailors, and on a meeting that day with a Navy official, it is believed that Adm. Boorda, 57, was deeply concerned over an upcoming Newsweek magazine story which revealed that, despite an otherwise exemplary career, the
Admiral had been displaying on his uniform, for some 20 years, decorations awarded for valor in combat, decorations which he had not been awarded and to which he was not entitled.

Adm. Boorda was evidently so filled with shame and remorse that he felt the only way he could regain the honor he had breached by this insult to his fellow servicemen was to "fall on his sword".

But in the case of Dick Blumenthal's false claims about his service, the offender believes that not even his resignation from office and withdrawal of his candidacy are called for; a waffling alibi and a half-hearted "apology" are sufficient.

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