Compare and contrast: Russia vs Obama on terrorists

While Attorney General Holder debates whether it's improper to offer Krispy Kreme doughnuts to terrorists while reading them their Miranda rights, Russia is taking more immediate measures to deal with terrorism. The Somali pirates the Russians originally said they'd put on a boat and sent on their way are, in all probability, dead.

Moscow, Russian Federation (AHN) - Russian authorities say the group of freed Somali pirates who hijacked an oil tanker are likely dead. The pirates originally captured by the Russian navy were released in an inflatable boat in open seas with no navigational equipment hundreds of miles from shore.

"According to the latest information, the pirates who seized the Moscow University oil tanker failed to reach the shore. Evidently, they have all died," the high-ranking source was quoted as saying by all Russia's official news agencies.

A Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said radio signals from the boat vanished an hour after the 10 pirates were put in the boat.

Also dead are the terrorists who bombed the Moscow subway:

Three alleged organisers of the March suicide bombings on the Moscow metro have been killed after resisting arrest, Russian officials say.

It was not immediately clear when or where the killings happened. All those involved in the bombings have now been identified, officials said.

Russian leaders previously warned that the masterminds of the attacks, which killed 40 people, would be "destroyed".

And then, there's this troubling post in the Washington Times indicating the Russians may well have retrieved important NATO secrets from the plane crash that decapitated the Polish leadership. 

While our Secretary of State Clinton is yammering about resetting our relationship, Russia is taking advantage of every opportunity to weaken us. 

As the administration tardily and weakly tries to deal with the looming threat of a nuclear Iran, the Russians make clear they will not accept any real sanctions against Iran:

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrovwarned the United States and other Western nations on Thursday against imposing unilateral sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, Interfax news agency reported.

The European Union has said it may impose unilateral sanctions if a U.N. Security Council resolution fails.

U.S. President Barack Obama's administration has been lobbying Western companies not to do business with Iran, but has not imposed sanctions against them. Countries facing Security Council sanctions "cannot under any circumstances be the subject of one-sided sanctions imposed by one or other government bypassing the Security Council", Lavrov was quoted as saying by Interfax.

"The position of the United States today does not display understanding of this absolutely clear truth."

Looks to me like we are sending kids with squirt guns to a knife fight.
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