Democrats to shift focus to jobs...again?

Matt Llyod, Communications Director for the House Republican Conference, sends along an interesting email about how committed the Democrats are to getting the millions of Americans without jobs back to work.

I'm sure they'll get around to it eventually.

Quick history lesson. 

First, take note of the following headline in today's NY Times:  Democrats Shifting Focus Back to Jobs Creation.

Haven't we seen this before?

The Hill (November 24, 2009): Dem lawmakers shift their focus to jobs package, away from economic ‘stimulus'

The Hill (December 3, 2009): Hoyer: Dems need to focus on economy to avoid mid-term losses

Roll Call (December 5, 2009): Obama Promises Focus on Jobs; GOP Returns to Health Care Critique

Politico (January 8, 2009): President Obama pivots to jobs as key theme

The Hill (January 13, 2010): House Democrats turn focus to economy

Roll Call (January 28, 2010): Democrats Pleased by Renewed Focus on Jobs




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