Embracing dhimmitude

America is tip-toeing across an important line: we are becoming dhimmis, infidels cowed into observing sharia law against our wills. We are engaged in submission. Mohammed may not be represented in our media. Ask Parker and Stone of South Park. Or, better yet, ask CNN, which covers up a cartoon of Mohammed, while reporting on threats against Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks:

Vilks is being harrassed and threatened, as dhimmitude's enforcers operate in Europe. AFP reports:

[Vilks], who sparked controversy in 2007 by drawing Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog, was attacked Tuesday while giving a lecture at a university, police said.

"The man was sat in the first row and suddenly he rushed at me. He punched me in the head and I lost my glasses," said Vilks, adding that at the very most he was "a little bruised."

Police said around 250 people were present at the time of the attack at Uppsala University, north of Stockholm.

"When Lars Vilks arrived, five persons started to protest against him with screaming. They calmed down and the lecture continued," police said.

"When Lars Vilks talked about religion and showed a film, 20 persons tried to attack him, probably offended by the film."
What is at stake is nothing less than our liberty. Americans are giving up free speech when the subject is Islam. Jihad is gaining ground.

Hat tip: Cliff Thier
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