Graph of the Day for May 2, 2010

"President Obama said the 3.2% rise in the Gross Domestic Product over the first three months of 2010 was evidence that his administration's efforts to shore up the economy are working..."  MSNBC reporting on GDP announcement of April 30.

Recent GDP and GDP Growth Rates in the United States

Source:  St. Louis Fed/FRED.

Hoven's Index for May 2, 2010

Drop in real GDP from peak to trough of recent recession:

US (2Q08 to 2Q09):  3.8%

OECD-Europe average (1Q08 to 1Q09):  5.2%

United Kingdom (1Q08 to 3Q09):  6.2%

Germany (1Q08 to 1Q09):  6.7%

Japan (1Q08 to 1Q09):  8.4%

Iceland (3Q07 to 3Q09):  14.4%

Source:  OECD Statistics.

Graph of the Day Archive.

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