Graph of the Day for May 5, 2010

"Spirituality & Ecological Hope is an exploration of the spiritual meaning of the ecological crisis that now faces our precious Earth. We do this from the vantage point of a consumer-oriented post-industrial society where the changes required to save humanity from disaster are particularly profound... To save the fabric of life on this Earth, to keep it from unraveling, we need to begin this work now....  Your tax-deductible donations are appreciated!"  Spirituality & Ecological Hope, a project of the Center for New Creation.

Source:  The Improving State of the World, by Indur Goklany.

Hoven's Index for May 5, 2010

World averages in human well-being in 1975:

Food supply (kcal per capita per day):  2,540

Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births):  44

Life expectancy (years):  60.8

Access to safe water:  80.3%

Same averages of human well-being by 2003:

Food supply (kcal per capita per day):  2,863 (up 13%)

Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births):  17 (down 61%)

Life expectancy (years):  68.5 (up 13%)

Access to safe water:  97.4% (up 21%)

Source:  The Improving State of the World, by Indur Goklany.

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