Republicans, Drop it!

National Republicans should drop the Sestak case, because there are plenty of more relevant things that Republicans can use to attack the Dem/Obama record which will keep more voters away from the Dems in November, than by focusing too much on this Sestak thing.

Here is a short list, which voters need to be reminded time and again:

* The economy slipped into recession and millions jobs were lost only AFTER the Dems took control of Congress in 2007.

* Since the Stimulus was passed last year, the economy lost a net of approximately 3 million jobs, rather than producing this amount, as Obama promised. (The CBO reports that say the economy gained jobs, do not consider how many jobs were also lost due/since the Stimulus, which leaves the net loss of the stimulus economy at approximately three million).

* A BIG chunk of the weak job gains that we finally have in recent months, are temporary Census jobs, but not jobs that reflect a healthy economy.

* The unemployment rate when the Dems took control of Congress in 2007 was at 4.5%; right before the Stimulus was passed it was at 8.2%, and now we are almost at 10%. The rate would have been even higher if less people than the current record number, were receiving Extended Unemployment Benefits.

* There are now three times more banks on the FDIC "problem list" than what we had before Obama came into office. Reason? Things got worse, not better, since Obama showed up.

* The first budget passed by the Dem Congress finished in a deficit  three times larger than the last Republican deficit (FY 2007), which ended below $170 billion. The smallest Deficit of the Pelosi / Reid Congress, is larger than any of the so-called Republican "record deficits" that Dems were attacking six years ago, while asking for even more spendings.

* Obama and the Dems are against real boarder control despite the fact that more than most Americans are in favor of it.

* According to Obama's own Homeland Security Department, attempted terror attacks against the US during the last NINE months were more than any other TWELVE-month period in years. This shows that Obama's anti-war against terror agenda and persecution of intelligence officers during his first half year in office, placed Americans in grave danger in recent months.

Armed with these facts, do Republicans think they have a better case by focusing on Sestak?
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