The Jackboot on the Throat of BP

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is trying to cash in on the BP disaster.  They write in a fundraising letter this afternoon:

The Obama administration has vowed to "keep a boot on the throat" of BP to ensure the corporation is held accountable for the spill. But Republican Leader Rush Limbaugh has a different plan. He said there's no need to clean up the spill because "the ocean will take care of this on its own."
Rush Limbaugh commented on his Monday broadcast on the outrageousness of the "boot on the throat" comment by Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar, repeated by Robert Gibbs.  BP is a private company developing oil resources used by the American people-ironically a company that has tried to paint itself as the green alternative to Big Oil in their "Beyond Petroleum" campaigns.  They have had a tragic accident, whose causes remain unknown.  The Obama administration should look at them as partners in solving the problem, rather than another big corporation on their enemies list.  Why would the Administration pride itself in an image that recalls Fascist jackboots crushing private industry? 

Regarding the second sentence in the above quotation, "Republican Leader" Rush opened the show with considerable alarm about the damage the oil might cause:

They're now saying this [oil spill] could go on for 90 days, with 15,000 gallons a day.  Some people are saying don't panic here, the sea will take care of it, break it up on its own and so forth, and then someone said, what happens if this stuff is still here in 90 days?  That takes us well into hurricane season.  If a hurricane comes along...that could be an absolute disaster.

To excerpt the latter to get the former can only be described as an outright lie.   Who in his right mind would ever say, "there's no need to clean up the spill"?  These people are lower than whale excrement.
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