They just can't help themselves

The administration can't seem to get around to telling the people the truth about what Obamacare means to them.

Case in point, a brochure sent out by Kathleen Sebelius's Department of Health and Human Services to all American senior citizens in which, according to several Republican senators, there's a whole lotta lyin' going on.

From an Examiner editorial:

How does the brochure misrepresent the facts about Obamacare? First, the brochure claims that under the new law, "the guaranteed Medicare benefits you currently receive will remain the same." But the CMS' own experts said in a report earlier this year that the new law's cuts in Medicare spending may push as many as 15 percent of hospitals and other institutional providers into the red, "possibly jeopardizing access" to needed care for millions of seniors. There is no way that current Medicare benefits will remain the same if one of every seven medical providers is no longer profitable.

Second, the brochure claims Obamacare includes "improvements to Medicare Advantage," but says nothing about the fact that the new law includes at least $130 billion in spending cuts for that program. Only in Obamaworld does a $130 billion spending cut in a program for millions of seniors qualify as an "improvement."

McConnell noted in an angry floor speech last week about the CCS brochure that "the flier purports to inform seniors about what the health care bill would mean for them. Much of it directly contradicts what the administration's own experts have said about the law. And all this is bought and paid for by the American taxpayer. So this is a complete outrage, and it's precisely the kind of thing Americans are so angry about at the moment."

They will be lying about this law even after all of it goes into effect. The truth is just too devastating to reveal.


Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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