The Promise

This is the behind-the-scenes experience of Edith, a frail 90-year-old woman who was a survivor of Auschwitz and possesses the spirit of a lion to fight for freedom. Felicia Chillak from the NY Tea Party group, Conservative Society for Action (CSA) shared her experience of her encounter with Edith in a poignant message called "The Promise."

Many people read this moving letter in tears over the past week. One reader commented: "Your letter brought tears to my eyes and fire to my heart. When I get tired of the fight because at times it seems so hopeless, I will read your letter and be reminded by Edith, just how much is at stake and that it is a fight we cannot afford to lose. Too much is at stake, for us, our children and our beloved country."

Edith attended the "Break the Silence" rally last Sunday in front of the Israel Consulate in Manhattan in the pouring rain where over 2000 Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs spoke out loud in support of Israel and against the disgraceful treatment by the Obama administration of one of America's greatest allies. Absent were too many of the major Jewish organizations that are too entangled in the Washington political scene to come out and denounce the Obama administration's vindictive policies dictating to Israel not to build homes in its capitol Jerusalem, while at the same time appeasing and bowing to the enemies of America, Israel and the free world.

We all heard mighty speeches in support of Israel's and America's intrepid strength in the fight against the radical Islamic enemies of civilization. Speaker after speaker called out for an end to the silence on the Obama administrations' deplorable actions against Prime Minister Netanyahu and the State of Israel. Speakers included Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels, Rev. Michael Faulkner of the New Horizon Church in Harlem, Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, Bhupinder Bhurji of the Namdari Sikh Foundation and many others. Rabbi Aryeh Spero of the Jewish Action Alliance, the main organizer of the event, said in a thunderous voice to President Obama: "Jerusalem is not a settlement; it is, all of it, the greatest Jewish city in the world!" He called for the crowd to once and for all break the silence and say "Barrack Hussein Obama -no, no, NO!" on his "final solution" to divide Jerusalem and allow Iran to proceed with their plans to build "a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel and America!" 

But the most meaningful and tearful memories that will last after the powerful words delivered from the stage are long forgotten, occurred behind-the-scenes in the midst of the teeming crowd.  Tea Party activists came by the hundreds holding pro-Israel signs and waving American and Israeli flags.  One of them was Felicia who shared the message of Edith and her vow to never again be silent: 

The Promise

I feel compelled to share my experience of yesterday's rally. A handful of our members had ventured into Manhattan yesterday to stand outside the Israeli Consulate to show our support of Israel. Jews and Christians alike stood together in the rain to express our deep concerns of the administration and their policies towards Israel. The speakers were outstanding! Their message was clear. But my one very special message was clearer than them all!

I was standing among the crowd. I was holding my sign high. For a moment, I lowered my sign and felt someone grasp my arm, ever so gently, but ever so powerful. I turned to see who had touched my arm. There she was. An absolutely beautiful frail, but yet strong, small 90-year-old women. She was eloquently dressed standing alone among the huge crowd. She wanted to thank me for coming. She asked me to promise her. I responded, promise you? What is it you are asking me to promise? She responded, "Promise me, you will not stop! Promise me, you will continue!" I assured her that I will continue. I thanked her for being there and she replied, "I would have crawled here if I had to!" She then proceeded to explain to me, that she was a survivor of Auschwitz and nothing will ever keep her from fighting for freedom. She will never forget!

I ask you, can we, as Americans, really understand her pain? Can we really understand what her message is? My mother was also blessed to come to America after Nazi Poland. I understand some through her eyes, but do we ever really understand? We live in the greatest nation ever in the world. But do we really understand that as well? Do we really understand what we are up against? I know it is easy to make excuses. I am too busy. I have to do this. I have to do that. It's too hot. It's too cold. Are we doing all we can do? Or are we letting the other guy do it? If we do not make sacrifices today, we are surely sacrificing tomorrow!

Will you join me in my promise? Her name is Edith and she is a true Patriot! Would you be willing crawl alongside Edith to get to our destination? Can I count on you to join me in my promise to Edith?

May God Bless this great nation and give us the strength and wisdom to continue.


Phil Orenstein is a Republican County Committeeman from Queens, N.Y. and a manufacturing systems manager at Orics Industries Inc., NY. He blogs at
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